Hi.I'm Thant Ko Zaw
A fullstack developer based in Myanmar who crafts scalable and maintainable websites.

A RESTful mini blog application created with MERN stack. The blog content can be also created and edited with Rich Text Editor. Used TipTap for RTE.

Reddit Clone
A mini version of Reddit created with React, Typescript, Firebase, tailwindcss and headlessUI. This includes most of the main features of Reddit.

Shopping Cart
A shopping cart project created to learn react router. Product details from the fakestore api. Made with React and tailwindcss.

My Personal Portfolio
The one you are currently visiting! It's my first time tinkering with framer motion. Made the design in Figma. Developed with React, Framer Motion, and Styled Components.

Live Pomodoro Timer
A mini pomodoro timer created with React and ChakraUI. Made for myself to focus on my studies.

A classic battleship game where the player plays against the computer. Created with vanilla javascript and tested with jest framework.
About Me
I've been always passionate about technology and creating things using what I've learnt. I started learning programming in mid 2021. At first it was just a hobby. Then, I kept digging deeper and deeper through the weeds of programming and I knew that it's my destiny to make a career in programming. I'm currently following The Odin Project curriculum with the help of the amazing community on their discord. My goal is to become a fullstack developer in web development. I dropped out of medical school in early 2022 and as of today, I'm pursuing a Diploma in Computing from NCC Education from the UK.